مارس 25, 2025 8:18 ص
أخبار عاجلة
الرئيسية / اخبار منوعة / هكذا كانت حياة الملك المؤسس

هكذا كانت حياة الملك المؤسس

الشريحة 1 من 14: (Eingeschränkte Rechte für bestimmte redaktionelle Kunden in Deutschland. Limited rights for specific editorial clients in Germany.) Ibn Saud, Abd uel-Aziz*1880-1953+Koenig von Saudi-Arabien (1926-1953)- Portrait- um 1924 (Photo by ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images)

الشريحة 2 من 14: (Eingeschränkte Rechte für bestimmte redaktionelle Kunden in Deutschland. Limited rights for specific editorial clients in Germany.) *1880-1953+König von Saudi - Arabien (1926-1953)mit vier seiner Kinder- 1934 (Photo by ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images)

الشريحة 3 من 14: The future King of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud (1880 - 1953) (left) meets with British diplomat Sir Percy Cox (1864 - 1937) (second left) and Cox's political advisor, Gertrude Bell (1868 - 1926), probably in Basra, Mesopotamia (later known as Iraq). The man at right is an unidentified British staff officer. (Photo by Mansell/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)


الشريحة 4 من 14: (Eingeschränkte Rechte für bestimmte redaktionelle Kunden in Deutschland. Limited rights for specific editorial clients in Germany.) *1880-1953+König von Saudi-Arabien (1926-1953)beim Gespräch über den neuenFreundschaftsvertrag mit dem Yemen- 1934 (Photo by ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images)


الشريحة 5 من 14: King Abdul Aziz Suad (C) being photographed with five of his men. (Photo by Bob Landry/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)


الشريحة 6 من 14: (Eingeschränkte Rechte für bestimmte redaktionelle Kunden in Deutschland. Limited rights for specific editorial clients in Germany.) Faisal I of Iraq*20.05.1883-08.09.1933+1921-1933 King of IraqSigning of the peace treaty between Ibn Saud (King Abdulaziz), King of Saudi Arabia (2nd from l) and King Faisal I (3rd from l) aboard the British warship Lupin in the Persian Gulf (Photo by ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images)



الشريحة 7 من 14: King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia. (Photo by Bob Landry/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)



الشريحة 8 من 14: Noel Busch (L) and photographer Robert Landry posing with King Abdul Aziz Ibn Suad during their trip to Saudi Arabia.  (Photo by Bob Landry/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)


الشريحة 9 من 14: Portrait of King Ibn Saud.  (Photo by John Phillips/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)



الشريحة 11 من 14: (Eingeschränkte Rechte für bestimmte redaktionelle Kunden in Deutschland. Limited rights for specific editorial clients in Germany.) Faisal I*20.05.1885-08.09.1933+King of Iraq 1921-1933Peace treaty between Ibn Saud, King of Hejaz and Najd (Saudi Arabia), and King Faisal I (l), signed aboard the British warship Lupin in the Persian Gulf (Photo by ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images)


الشريحة 12 من 14: SAUDI ARABIA - JULY 01:  portraits of the Saudi royal family in Saudi Arabia in July 1996 - Abdulaziz Ben Addul Rahman al Saoud, reign from 1932 to 1953.  (Photo by Mohamed LOUNES/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)



الشريحة 13 من 14: Portrait of King Ibn Saud.  (Photo by John Phillips/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)





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